The opttrees function

The core of the heuristic TreeKnit is based on happens in the opttrees function, found in the SplitGraph submodule. Given two trees, opttrees attempts to reconcile them by pruning certain clades. A quick description of different steps in this function is given here, with the two simple trees below as an example case:

nwk1 = "(((A1:1,A2:2):2,(B1:2,(B2:1,B3:1):1):2):2,(C1:1,C2:2):4);";
nwk2 = "((A1:1,A2:2):2,((B1:2,(B2:1,B3:1):1):1,(C1:1,C2:2):1):1);";
t1 = parse_newick_string(nwk1; label="t1")
t2 = parse_newick_string(nwk2; label="t2")

Trees are not displayed here for space reasons, but you're encouraged to draw them if you want to follow along!

Coarse-graining of naive MCCs

As a first step, naive MCCs are computed for input trees using the naive_mccs function. Here, we find three clades that are already compatible between the two trees:

treelist = Any[t1, t2]
mcc = naive_mccs(treelist)
3-element Vector{Vector{String}}:
 ["A1", "A2"]
 ["C1", "C2"]
 ["B1", "B2", "B3"]

Trees are then "reduced" to those MCCs: new trees are built where each leaf corresponds to one of the naive MCCs. The reduced trees have incompatibilities at the leaf level: it is no longer possible to group some of their leaves together in a consistent clade.

mcc_names = TreeKnit.name_mcc_clades!(treelist, mcc)
for (i,t) in enumerate(treelist)
	treelist[i] = TreeKnit.reduce_to_mcc(t, mcc)

The trees in treelist are now a reduced form of t1 and t2, and the names of the new leaves correspond to clades in the original tree. The mapping between leaf name and original clade is stored in mcc_names

julia> treelist[1]
                                      ____________________________________ MCC_1
_|                                   |____________________________________ MCC_3
 |________________________________________________________________________ MCC_2
julia> treelist[2] ________________________________________________________________________ MCC_1 _| | ____________________________________ MCC_3 |___________________________________| |____________________________________ MCC_2
julia> mcc_namesDict{Any, Any} with 3 entries: "MCC_2" => ["C1", "C2"] "MCC_3" => ["B1", "B2", "B3"] "MCC_1" => ["A1", "A2"]

The SplitGraph object

Once the two trees are reduced to their naive MCCs, we construct a SplitGraph object from them.

*SplitGraph* submodule

The SplitGraph type and some of the functions used below are in the SplitGraph submodule of TreeKnit. Access them by calling using TreeKnit.SplitGraph and preceding the calls by SplitGraph.

The SplitGraph is a directed graph that is based on both trees, and has two kind of nodes:

  • leaf nodes correspond to leaves of the trees, and are identified by integers. They have as many ancestors as there are trees in the SplitGraph.
  • internal nodes, called SplitNodes, correspond to internal nodes in one of the two trees. A color::Int attribute identifies the tree to which they belong (e.g. 1 for the first tree, 2 for the second, etc...). They have only one ancestor, of the same color. Importantly, they are identified by the ensemble of leaf nodes that are "below" them, that is the subset of all their direct and indirect offsprings that are leaves. As such, they uniquely correspond to a split in one of the two trees. This information is stored as an array of integer in their conf field.

Let us now build the SplitGraph object:

using TreeKnit.SplitGraph
g = SplitGraph.trees2graph(treelist);
Dict{Any, Int64} with 3 entries:
  "MCC_2" => 1
  "MCC_3" => 2
  "MCC_1" => 3

It is recommemded that you add ; to the end of lines when working with SplitGraph, SplitNode or LeafNode in the REPL. If you forget, you will quickly see why :-)

We now see that the three leaves from our coarse-grained trees have been given an integer index in the SplitGraph. Let us take a look at the internal nodes above the leaf MCC_3:

julia> a1 = g.leaves[g.labels_to_int["MCC_3"]].anc[1]; # Ancestor for the first tree
julia> a2 = g.leaves[g.labels_to_int["MCC_3"]].anc[2]; # Ancestor for the second tree
julia> [a1.color, a2.color] # a1 and a2 resp. belong to trees 1 and 22-element Vector{Int64}: 1 2
julia> a1.conf # list of leaves below `a1`. Among those is the index for "MCC_3".2-element Vector{Int64}: 2 3
julia> [g.labels[i] for i in a1.conf] # Same as above, with labels2-element Vector{String}: "MCC_3" "MCC_1"
julia> [g.labels[i] for i in a2.conf] # and the same for a22-element Vector{String}: "MCC_2" "MCC_3"

We now immediately see that the internal nodes above MCC_3 in the two trees define different splits: (MCC_1, MCC_3) in the first tree is different from (MCC_2, MCC_3) in the second tree. This is the idea underlying the inference of MCCs.

Counting incompatibilities

In the example above, the ancestors of leaf MCC_3 in the two trees define different splits: this is called an incompatibility. Examination of the trees reveals that there are also similar incompatibilities for the two other leaves MCC_1 and MCC_2. This can be computed using the count_mismatches function:


We indeed find 3 mismatches, one for each leaf.

However, it is possible to explain the two example trees using less than three reassortments. What would happen for example if we removed MCC_1 from both trees? The first non-trivial split above leaf MCC_3 in both trees would then be (MCC_2, MCC_3), and the same goes for leaf MCC_2. The number of incompatibilities would then go down to 0. "Removing" leaves from the trees, or the graph, is done by defining a configuration: an array of booleans that stores the presence or absence of each leaf. To remove MCC_1, we simply design a configuration that has 0 at the index corresponding to MCC_1:

  conf = ones(Bool, length(g.leaves))
  conf[g.labels_to_int["MCC_1"]] = false # Remove `MCC_3` from the configuration
3-element Vector{Bool}:

To compute the number of incompatibilities given a configuration, we use the compute_energy function. The result is interpreted as the "energy" of this configuration given the graph g:

SplitGraph.compute_energy(conf, g)

The function count_mismatches(g) shown above is a simple shortcut for

conf = ones(Bool, length(g.leaves))
SplitGraph.compute_energy(conf, g)

In other words, it computes the energy for the configuration where all leaves are present.

By removing a leaf, i.e. by "enforcing" a reassortment right above it, we've reduced the number of incompatibilities for the remaining leaves to 0. Since removing a leaf corresponds to "enforcing" a reassortment, we have to assign a cost to it, that we call $\gamma$. This defines a score for each configuration, defined as the difference between the energy of the configuration and $\gamma$ times the number of leaves that were removed. Depending on the value of $\gamma$, the difference in overall score associated to removing a leaf or keeping it will change from negative to positive. Scores are computed with the compute_F function that takes $\gamma$ as its last argument. Here are the differences in scores before and after removing MCC_3, for different values of $\gamma$:

julia> conf0 = ones(Bool, length(g.leaves)) # Configuration with all leaves3-element Vector{Bool}:
julia> SplitGraph.compute_F(conf, g, 1) - SplitGraph.compute_F(conf0, g, 1)-2
julia> SplitGraph.compute_F(conf, g, 2) - SplitGraph.compute_F(conf0, g, 2)-1
julia> SplitGraph.compute_F(conf, g, 3) - SplitGraph.compute_F(conf0, g, 3)0
julia> SplitGraph.compute_F(conf, g, 4) - SplitGraph.compute_F(conf0, g, 4)1

For this simple example, $\gamma = 3$ is the "critical" value above which removing MCC_3 or any other leaf is not considered a good move. The inference of MCCs for $\gamma \leq 3$ and $\gamma > 3$ will thus give different results. In the first case, two MCCs will be found, corresponding to one reassortment event (above MCC_3 for instance) . In the second, three MCCs and three reassortments will be found.

julia> run_treeknit!(t1, t2, OptArgs(γ=3.1))MCC_set(2, ["t1", "t2"], Dict{Set{String}, Vector{Vector{String}}}(Set(["t2", "t1"]) => [["A1", "A2"], ["C1", "C2"], ["B1", "B2", "B3"]]))
julia> run_treeknit!(t1, t2, OptArgs(γ=2.9))MCC_set(2, ["t1", "t2"], Dict{Set{String}, Vector{Vector{String}}}(Set(["t2", "t1"]) => [["C1", "C2"], ["A1", "A2", "B1", "B2", "B3"]]))

Simulated annealing

The opttrees function attempts to find the configuration, i.e. a set of leaves to remove, that minimizes the incompatibility score presented above. Since this is a discrete optimization problem with no clear mathematical formalization, we choose to use the simulated annealing technique. Let us find an optimal configuration for our simple trees:

Trange = reverse(1e-3:1e-2:1) # Cooling schedule
M = 10 # Number of iterations per temperature value
opt_confs = SplitGraph.sa_opt(g; Trange, M, γ = 2)[1]
3-element Vector{Vector{Bool}}:
 [1, 0, 1]
 [0, 1, 1]
 [1, 1, 0]

We find three optimal configurations, each corresponding to removing one leaf. This indeed corresponds to the three possible single-reassortment explanations that we could give to reconcile the two trees. Without branch length information, it is impossible to choose between one of these three optimas: the problem is degenerate. A likelihood based way to break this degeneracy using branch length is described here.

For now, let's imagine that we have chosen the first configuration as our best solution. Let's now map it back onto the initial trees:

julia> removed_leaves = g.labels[.!opt_confs[1]] # Expressed with coarse grained leaves1-element Vector{String}:
julia> # `mcc_names` was defined above removed_clades = [mcc_names[x] for x in removed_leaves]1-element Vector{Vector{String}}: ["B1", "B2", "B3"]

What this means is that we have just inferred all elements in removed_clades (just one in our case) to be MCCs. Of course, in this simple example, it is straight forward to see that the other MCC simply consists of all the remaining leaves in the original trees. This can also be deduced from the fact that the energy of all the optimal configurations is 0. However, in the general case, some incompatibilities will remain even after simulated annealing. For this reason, the opttrees function only outputs MCCs that have been identified by having removed them from the tree, i.e. by having enforced a reassortment above their root node. If the trees that remain after having pruned these MCCs still have incompatibilities, the process described here needs to be iterated. This is performed by the runopt function.