
The lack of resolution in the inference of phylogenetic trees results in polytomies: internal nodes with more than two offsprings. Polytomies can cause the topology of two trees to differ, which cause problems when inferring reassortments using topological information. Suppose for instance that we have a first tree (e.g. for a given segment of flu):

t1 = parse_newick_string("(A,(B,C));")

 not all branch lengths known, assuming identical branch lengths

  ______________________________________ A
 |                                      ______________________________________ B
                                       |______________________________________ C

where we can identify the clade (B,C) because of a mutation in this segment present in B and C but not in A.

If this mutation does not exist in a second segment, then in the absence of reassortment its tree will look something like this:

t2 = parse_newick_string("(A,B,C);")

 not all branch lengths known, assuming identical branch lengths

  ____________________________________________________________________________ A
_|____________________________________________________________________________ B
 |____________________________________________________________________________ C

As a result, t1 and t2 differ for a reason unrelated with reassortment.

To overcome this issue, one has to resolve trees as much as possible, typically using the information of one to remove polytomies in the other. This can only be done if no reassortments are present.

Resolving trees

In the example above, it is natural to think that the difference between the two trees is due to a lack of resolution and not to reassortment. This is because the split (B,C) in the first tree is compatible with the second tree: it is possible to add this split to t2. What this means is that the difference in topology can be explained by something other than reassortment.

In this case, we can simply resolve t2 by adding each split in t1 to t2 with which t2 is compatible. If t1 has polytomies, the same could be done to resolve t1 using t2. This operation is performed by the resolve! function:

new_splits = resolve!(t1, t2);

 not all branch lengths known, assuming identical branch lengths

  ______________________________________ A
 |                                      ______________________________________ B
                                       |______________________________________ C

resolve! returns an array of SplitList objects (of the TreeTools package) containing the new splits introduced in each of the two trees:

julia> isempty(new_splits[1])true
julia> new_splits[2]SplitList of 1 splits ["B", "C"]

The resolve! function can also be called on more than three trees. When called on more than 2 trees it will only introduce splits from one tree into another tree if that split is compatible with all other trees. Take the same 2 trees from before (t1 and t2) and assume we add a third tree t3

t3 = parse_newick_string("(A,B,C);")
new_splits = resolve!(t1, t2, t3);

 not all branch lengths known, assuming identical branch lengths

  ______________________________________ A
 |                                      ______________________________________ B
                                       |______________________________________ C

As the (B,C) split is compatible with both the 2nd and the 3rd tree it will be introduced in both trees. Now assume we add a 4th tree where the (B,C) split is no longer compatible. Now neither tree t2 or t3 will be further resolved.

new_splits = resolve!(t1, t2, t3, t4);

 not all branch lengths known, assuming identical branch lengths

  ____________________________________________________________________________ A
_|____________________________________________________________________________ B
 |____________________________________________________________________________ C

Resolving during MCC inference for tree pairs

The above resolving method works fine for simple "obvious" cases, where a split in one tree directly resolves a polytomy in another. However, consider the following case:

t1 = parse_newick_string("((A,B),(C,(D,(E,X))));"; label="t1")
t2 = parse_newick_string("((A,(B,X)),(C,D,E));"; label="t2")

There are now two sources of topological differences between t1 and t2:

  • The reassorted strain X.
  • The lack of resolution resulted in a polytomy (C,D,E) in t2, which is resolved in t1 in the form of (C,(D,(E,X))

The resolve! function is helpless in such cases:

new_splits = resolve!(t1, t2)

Indeed, there is no split in t1 that can directly help us resolve t2. The closest such split is (D,E,X), but it is incompatible with t2 because of X. If we knew beforehand that X is reassorted, we could simply ignore it while resolving t2. The (D,E,X) split in t1 would become (D,E), which is compatible with t2, and the resolve! function would handle this.

However, the topology-based heuristic used by TreeKnit is not able to detect that X is the only reassorted leaf if the trees are not resolved! Indeed, if we "remove" X from the trees, some incompatibilities will remain. For instance, the split above E will be (D,E) in the first tree and (C,D,E) in the second. Without resolving, the heuristic will predict a reassortment above almost every leaf:

run_treeknit!(t1, t2, OptArgs(;resolve=false))
MCC_set(2, ["t1", "t2"], Dict{Set{String}, Vector{Vector{String}}}(Set(["t2", "t1"]) => [["E"], ["X"], ["A", "B", "C", "D"]]))

In order to achieve progress in this kind of situation, we have to perform two operations at the same time:

  • realize that X is the only reassorted strain, and can be ignored when resolving.
  • resolve t2 with the (D,E,X) split, ignoring X.

This is done automatically during MCC inference if the resolve option of OptArgs is given (default):

MCCs = run_treeknit!(t1, t2, OptArgs(;resolve=true))
MCC_set(2, ["t1", "t2"], Dict{Set{String}, Vector{Vector{String}}}(Set(["t2", "t1"]) => [["X"], ["A", "B", "C", "D", "E"]]))

Resolving with inferred MCCs for tree pairs

Once the MCCs are inferred, it is possible to use them to resolve trees: in the regions of shared branches of the ARG, the two trees t1 and t2 must have the same splits. The resolve! function also has a method for this. Using the example above, we have

julia> t1 = parse_newick_string("((A,B),(C,(D,(E,X))));"; label="t1");
julia> t2 = parse_newick_string("((A,(B,X)),(C,D,E));"; label="t2");
julia> resolved_splits = resolve!(t1, t2, MCCs.mccs[Set(["t1", "t2"])]; strict=true)2-element Vector{TreeTools.SplitList{String}}: SplitList of 0 splits SplitList of 1 splits ["D", "E"]
julia> t2 not all branch lengths known, assuming identical branch lengths _________________________ A ________________________| | | _________________________ B | |________________________| _| |_________________________ X | | _________________________ C |________________________| | _________________________ D |________________________| |_________________________ E

The split (D,E) is now present in t2. Note that it was not present in t1: only the splits (D,E,X) and (E,X) existed there. However, since resolve! now knows (A,B,C,D,E) is an MCC, the resolve! function can "ignore" leaf X when resolving.

Strict vs liberal resolve

When resolving using MCCs, TreeKnit uses one of two options: strict (default) or liberal resolution (--liberal-resolve flag). Given two trees t1 and t2 and their MCCs, it is not always possible to unambiguously resolve t2 using the splits of t1 even in an MCC. To explain this, we consider the two following trees:

julia> t1 = parse_newick_string("((A,(B,C)),D);") not all branch lengths known, assuming identical branch lengths __________________________ A ________________________| | | _________________________ B _| |_________________________| | |_________________________ C | |_________________________ D
julia> t2 = parse_newick_string("(A,B,C,D);") not all branch lengths known, assuming identical branch lengths ____________________________________________________________________________ A | |____________________________________________________________________________ B _| |____________________________________________________________________________ C | |____________________________________________________________________________ D

Assume that the MCCs are [A,B,C] and [D]. In this minimal example this is a bit contrived, but this type of situation can take place in larger trees. The essential ingredients here are

  • the polytomy (A,B,C,D) in t2.
  • the fact that the (A,(B,C)) clade is nicely resolved in t1
  • (A,B,C), D, and the other nodes being in different MCCs, meaning there is a reassortment above leaf D and above the MRCA of (A,B,C)

At first sight, we would like to introduce the splits (A,B,C) and (B,C) into t2: these splits exist in t1 and are in the shared region (A,B,C). This would result in the following for t2:

t2_resolved_1 = parse_newick_string("((A,(B,C)),D);")

 not all branch lengths known, assuming identical branch lengths

                           __________________________ A
 |                        |                          _________________________ B
_|                        |_________________________|
 |                                                  |_________________________ C
 |_________________________ D

However, since there is a reassortment above D, we cannot exclude D being nested in the (A,B,C) clade This gives us other possibilities for t2 (non-exhaustive):

julia> t2_resolved_2 = parse_newick_string("(A,(B,(C,D)));")
 not all branch lengths known, assuming identical branch lengths

  _________________________ A
 |                         __________________________ B
                          |                          _________________________ C
                                                    |_________________________ D
julia> t2_resolved_3 = parse_newick_string("(A,((B,C),D));") not all branch lengths known, assuming identical branch lengths _________________________ A | _| _________________________ B | _________________________| |________________________| |_________________________ C | |__________________________ D

All the above possibilities to resolve t2 are compatible with the found MCCs and the splits in t1.

The strict and liberal options for resolution make different choices in this situation.

  • Strict resolve will consider this situation as ambiguous, and not attempt any resolution. Hence the final t2 will have a Newick string "(A,B,C,D);". More generally, with the strict option, TreeKnit will only resolve a polytomy if the relation of all branches within the polytomy can be unambiguously determined using the other tree, potentially not fully resolving shared regions of the trees.
julia> MCCs = [["D"], ["A", "B", "C"]]2-element Vector{Vector{String}}:
 ["A", "B", "C"]
julia> new_splits_strict = resolve!(t1, t2, MCCs; strict=true);
julia> isempty(new_splits_strict[2])true
julia> t2 not all branch lengths known, assuming identical branch lengths ____________________________________________________________________________ A | |____________________________________________________________________________ B _| |____________________________________________________________________________ C | |____________________________________________________________________________ D
  • Liberal resolve will resolve trees as much as possible, fully resolving shared regions of the two trees, but arbitrarily choosing the location of these aforementioned branches, leading to potentially wrong splits. As in the example below, liberal resolve will always try to "pull" MCCs out of polytomies
new_splits_liberal = resolve!(t1, t2, MCCs; strict=false);

 not all branch lengths known, assuming identical branch lengths

  _________________________ D
 |                         __________________________ A
                          |                          _________________________ B
                                                    |_________________________ C

Here are a few extra notes on strict vs liberal options:

  • liberal resolve will in general result in significantly more wrong splits placed in the trees
  • to create an ARG, it is necessary that MCCs are resolved exactly the same in both trees: the trees must be knitted together in those regions. For this reason, it is also necessary to use liberal resolve for ARG reconstruction.