Generating trees

TreeTools has three ways to generate trees:

  • using a birth-death process (i.e. forward simulation);
  • using a coalescent process (i.e. backward simulation);
  • using a collection of pre-defined simple shapes.

All three methods are accessible through the TreeTools.Generate submodule. For now, this is not exported: most functions below need to be prefaced by an explicit TreeTools.Generate.

Birth-death process

This is rather straightforward:

julia> begin n = 25 # number of lineages to reach for completion b = 1 # birth rate d = 0.1 # death rate end;
julia> tree, completed = TreeTools.Generate.birth_death(n, b, d)(Tree{TreeTools.EmptyData}: 49 nodes, 25 leaves, true)
julia> length(leaves(tree)) == n || !completedtrue

The second output argument completed is a boolean indicating whether the process reached the target n lineages. If the death rate is non-zero, it is possible that all lineages die before completion.

The implemented process starts with one lineage (the root). Then, if there are $n$ lineages in the tree:

  • with rate $b\cdot n$, trigger a birth event: pick a lineage at random and split it in two;
  • with rate $d\cdot n$, trigger a death event: stop the lineage and place a leaf at its end;
  • if n reaches the target value for completion or if all lineages are dead, stop the process by placing a leaf at the end of each lineage.

Coalescent process

There are two coalescent models implemented.

  • The classical Kingman's process, with a rate of coalescence $\nu = n(n-1)/N$ for $n$ lineages, where $N$ is a parameter (the population size).
  • The Yule process, with a rate of coalescence $\nu = b\cdot n$ for $n$ lineages, where $b$ can be interpreted as a birth rate. This is equivalent to a birth only forward process.

Generating a coalescent tree is a two-step process: first construct a Coalescent object, then give it to the function genealogy.

julia> kingman = TreeTools.Generate.KingmanCoalescent(n=25, N=10_000)TreeTools.Generate.KingmanCoalescent(25, 10000.0)
julia> yule = TreeTools.Generate.YuleCoalescent(n=5, b=1)TreeTools.Generate.YuleCoalescent(5, 1.0)
julia> tree = TreeTools.Generate.genealogy(kingman)Tree{TreeTools.EmptyData}: 49 nodes, 25 leaves
julia> distance(root(tree), first(leaves(tree))) # ~2N on average20931.794549823353
julia> tree = TreeTools.Generate.genealogy(yule) ________________________ 1 __________________________________________________| | | ,_ 2 | |______________________| _| |_ 4 | | _______________________________________________ 3 |___________________________| |_______________________________________________ 5
julia> distance(root(tree), first(leaves(tree))) # ~b log(n) on average0.37721699073515935

It is possible to create custom coalescent. Below, we create a backward process with multiple mergers, with the following properties:

  • the rate of merging is $\rho$, independent of the number of lineages $n$;
  • when a merge occurs, an average fraction $\beta$ of the $n$ lineages is involved (sampled using a binomial).

First, we define the corresponding coalescent type. Importantly, the field n must be present in the struct, and is interpreted as the number of remaining lineages.

julia> @kwdef mutable struct MultipleMerger <: TreeTools.Generate.Coalescent n::Int # number of lineages β::Float64 # parameters ρ::Float64 endMain.MultipleMerger

Now, we need to define the choose_event function that samples a merge event from this process. The return value should be a tuple k, t with k being the number of lineages involved in the merge and t the time to the event.

julia> using Distributions
julia> import TreeTools.Generate.choose_event
julia> function choose_event(C::MultipleMerger) C.n <= 1 && throw(ArgumentError("Cannot choose coalescence event for $(C.n) lineage.")) t = 0. merger = 0 coin = Binomial(C.n, C.β) # this is from Distributions, while merger < 2 t += rand(Exponential(1/C.ρ)) merger = rand(coin) end return merger, t endchoose_event (generic function with 5 methods)

Now we can sample from this

julia> mm = MultipleMerger(n=15, β=.25, ρ=1)Main.MultipleMerger(15, 0.25, 1.0)
julia> tree = TreeTools.Generate.genealogy(mm) __________________ 1 ______________________________________________________| | | _________ 2 | |________| | |_________ 8 _| | _________________________________ 10 | | | | _________ 6 | | | |_______________________________________| |_________ 9 | ____________| | | |_________ 15 | | | | | | ______ 11 |__________| |__| | |______ 13 | | ______________ 5 | | |_______| ____________ 4 | | | |____________ 7 |_| | __ 3 | | |_________|__ 12 | |__ 14
julia> using StatsBase
julia> map(n -> length(children(n)), internals(tree)) |> countmap # if we're not unlucky, there should be some multiple mergers in here!Dict{Int64, Int64} with 3 entries: 4 => 1 2 => 7 3 => 2

Basic shapes

There are three at the moment, with self explanatory names:

julia> star = TreeTools.Generate.star_tree(4, 1.) ____________________________________________________________________________ 1 | |____________________________________________________________________________ 2 _| |____________________________________________________________________________ 3 | |____________________________________________________________________________ 4
julia> ladder = TreeTools.Generate.ladder_tree(4, 1.) ____________________________________________________________________________ 4 _| | ___________________________________________________ 3 |________________________| | _________________________ 2 |_________________________| |_________________________ 1
julia> balanced = TreeTools.Generate.balanced_binary_tree(4, 1.) ______________________________________ 3 _____________________________________| | |______________________________________ 4 _| | ______________________________________ 1 |_____________________________________| |______________________________________ 2

The docstrings give a bit more detail.